Ishai & Lenny – new – old duo that performed on stages through out Israel, including ‘Yearot Menashe‘, Zappa stages, Ozen Bar, Bar Giyora and many more, now arriving at “the Zone“ for a new show.
Original songs and catchy melodies: Ishai & Lenny take you to a journey through broken hearts and rock ’n’ roll – now in a new show with new band members:
Yuval Yam -Shahor: Guitar & Vocals
Itay Goldhar : Bass
“Guitars and broken hearts – something in Ishai & Lenny’s chemistry , especially on stage, touches you deep inside and twists you subconscious..” – Omri Cohen (Youth takeover, TAVAS)
check out Ishai and Lenny’s instagram
Discounted tickets here for 35 NIS and 45 at the doors
2 Discounted tickets here for 60 NIS
Doors open at 21:00 Show start at 22:00