
Sababa 5 7 Shiran Tzfira

Wednesday August 17 21.00

Sababa 5 & Shiran Tzfira

A show celebrating the release of Sababa 5’s new project with singer Shiran Tzfira brings to the front a modern interpretation of classic Yemeni music.
Together they remodel traditional Yemenite songs into a modern and irresistible blend of disco, funk, boogie, pop, and rock.

This event is  produced with the assistance of The Association For Society and Culture

On stage:
Shiran Tzfira – vocal & percussion
Ilan Smilan – guitar
Amir Sadot – bass
Eitan Drabkin – keyboards
Raz Man – drums

Doors open at 9, show at 10
Presale discounted tickets here for 50 shekels or 70 at the door. 

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